Ticket Offices


Piazza Chiodo in La Spezia

Piazza Terzi in Sarzana

Because of the alert, our ticket office opening schedules will change weekly. Click here for the latest update.

AUTHORIZED ATC RETAILERS “Single tickets”, “book of 10 single tickets” ,“3-hour tickets” can be purchased in any “ATC authorized retailer” where you see our company logo.

Check the updated list of authorized ATC retailers

They are still a few, but their number will gradually increase in order to become more equally distributed throughout the whole Province.

If you want to buy a Monthly Travelcard, for yourself or someone else, you can go to one of these shops with the ATC Card – or by simply giving the operator the card number- and ask for the type of Travelcard you need and specify the date you need the Travelcard from (the period can vary from the following day to 15 days afterwards).
The operator, by using our system “ Travelcard On-Line Renewal”, will give you a Monthly Travelcard which will have to be kept at all times and will be considered valid ONLY if kept with the Card and a personal identity document.
Prices and conditions applied are the same as for travelcards sold in our company ticket offices.
Please note that holders of monthly travelcards bought in authotized retailers must carry an i.d. or ATC card at all times and when not in possession of at least one of them, they will be fined as “not in possession of regular ticket”.

Updated list of authorized ATC retailers

AT ANY POST OFFICE in the areas reached by ATC Esercizio bus system. In order to renew your monthly travelcard post offices offer three different postal bulletins related to the three types of Cards: Youngsters, Seniors / IC, Ordinary.
You will have to fill in the bulletins of your interest,following carefully the instructions. You can choose the date you want the travelcard to start from, the first available day being the one after that of the purchase up to six days afterwards. At the post offices you will find a list of the different kinds of monthly travelcards and respective prices. After purchasing the travelcard, the post office receipt you will be given is the effective Monthly Travelcard and will have to be carried at all times together with the ATC Card and holder’s i.d.. Please make sure that the post office receipt is authenticated by the operator. If in possession of a fake receipt, one not fully / properly filled in or with data not meeting those written on the ATC card or personal i.d. or with corrections, the travelcard holder will be fined according to the law.


The cooperation between ATC Esercizio and ATC Mobilità e Parcheggi has led to the possibility to also buy bus tickets and soon renew monthly cards and pay fines at 24 parking meters placed in la Spezia ( brand Parkeon – model Strada).

It is possible to buy tickets from code 00 to code 05 and pay cash or by credit card. Soon it will also be possible to choose only the destination ( e.g. Portovenere, Lerici…) and let the parking meter print the correct ticket: this will be very helpful for everyone especially for tourists.

Tickets are made of light paper just like the car park tickets: therefore people needn’t obliterate them. They last 75 minutes from the moment they are printed. On the ticket you can read the time it was printed and when it expires.

Map of the qualified parking meters (.pdf)


Automatic ticket machines are placed in:
LA SPEZIA in PIAZZA CHIODO by the Ticket Office
LA SPEZIA in the square outside the main train station
SARZANA in PIAZZA TERZI by the Ticket Office
PORTOVENERE by the Terminus
BRUGNATO by the Town Hall
FRAMURA at the train station

It is possible to pay by debit and credit card.